Earth Hour is a global movement that aims to bring attention and urgency to protecting the planet from global warming, climate change, habitat destruction, and other environmental changes threatening our planet’s livelihood.
The most common way to participate in Earth Hour is to switch off all non-essential lights in your home for one hour on Saturday March 23 at 8:30pm local time.
The Earth hour team has suggested a slew of activities you can partake in during that hour, including board games by candlelight, dinner in the dark, camping in your living room, and yoga.
Most of these activities are family-friendly, so it’s a great opportunity to teach young (or not-so-young) people about the importance of caring for the planet.
Earth Hour declares that its mission is to “increase awareness and spark global conversations on protecting nature not only to combat the climate crisis, but to ensure our own health, happiness, prosperity and even survival.”
For more information, head to the official Earth Hour website.